Find the Qibla

Qibla Direction from my location

Which direction is Qibla? Qibla which direction? Find qibla with google maps. Learn how to find qibla with the online compass.

Find the Qibla

Qibla which direction? Which direction is Qibla? Find qibla with google maps. Also find the Qibla position of your location for the compass. You will find answers to your questions about finding the qibla direction and similar questions here.

With the help of online Google maps, it is possible to quickly find out the qibla direction of your location. You can easily determine the qibla direction of your location on the online map. The qibla direction line drawn between your location and the Kaaba will give you an idea about the direction of qibla.

Or you can find your qibla direction with the help of a compass. Those who want to find the qibla direction with a compass can learn the qibla degree for the compass here. You can determine your qibla direction by applying the qibla direction degree to the compass properly.

It is now very easy to find the qibla direction online with Google maps. Whichever of the two ways you apply, you will be able to determine the qibla direction accurately and precisely.

Qibla Position

Qibla Degree :

Qibla Degree for Compass :

Kaaba Distance :

Magnetic Deflection :

Location : ,

Find the Qibla with Compass

To find the qibla direction with a compass, you need to know the degree of qibla of your location. So how to find Qibla with a compass? Qibla degree of your current location is ° relative to true north. If you want to find your Qibla direction with a compass, we recommend you to follow these steps:

Firstly, make sure that there are no heavy metals that create a magnetic field in the place where you will measure with the compass. If possible, measure near a window or in an open area. Hold the compass horizontally on the ground.

Turn the compass until the compass (red-tipped) needle points N (north).When the compass needle coincides with N (north) on the compass bezel, find ° clockwise from N. The direction indicated by the qibla degree is your qibla direction. You can now prayer in this direction with peace of mind.

Finding Qibla Direction without Compass

How can I find the qibla direction online from my location? Or how to find the qibla direction without compass? It is now very easy to find the qibla direction while online. Before logging in to Find the Qibla site, activate the location feature of your mobile phone. When you log in to our website, your location will be quickly found on Google maps. A qibla direction line will be drawn between your location and Kaaba. Now you can use this qibla direction line to determine your qibla direction depending on your house, street or location.

Qibla Direction in Some Countries

In some countries around the world you can determine your qibla direction.

Qibla Direction in Some Cities

You can find the qibla direction in cities of various countries.
